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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Wooden Floors: Troubleshooting

Wooden Floors: Troubleshooting
by: Centaur International

Wooden floors have always been extremely popular, so much so, they can actually add value to your house. If you have wooden floors you’ll know how important it is to look after them properly, but what should you do when things go wrong? Below are some common problems you may encounter with wooden floors and suggestions on how to fix them.

Squeaking floorboards – This is often caused by loose nails. If the wrong sorts of nails have been used, either remove them and replace them with proper floorboard nails, or use a larger size of nail. Alternatively, you could replace the nails with screws. However, make sure you sink the hole so that the screw head is below the surface of the board, otherwise it poses a safety risk.

Gaps between boards – This sometimes occurs when central heating has been fitted. The ideal solution is to lift all the boards and refit them, adding a new board. If you are planning on partially covering the wooden floor with a rug, then add the new board in the middle of the room, so that you have less to stain or paint to match the existing boards.

Bouncy floors – This can occur either because the boards have worn thin or because of insect or fungal attacks on the boards or joists. It is worth lifting one of the boards to investigate.

Shabby boards – If your boards are in need of some attention you could try the following:

•If the floor is pine, give it a light sanding. The result will be patchy, but it will look more aged than if you use a sanding machine to give a perfect finish

•On new or stripped wood, use a dye. This is better than using a stain, which does not penetrate the wood

•With hardwoods, apply several coats of Danish oil, Tung oil or similar

If your wooden floors are beyond repair, or you just fancy a change, you could always invest in some new solid hardwood flooring.

About The Author
Centaur International makes flooring from a wide variety of South American hardwoods. Visit their website now by clicking on Centaur International.