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Monday, December 11, 2006

Your Quick Guide to Housekeeping Cleaning

Your Quick Guide to Housekeeping Cleaning
by: Vincent Platania

Every home deserves quality house cleaning. But before you start cleaning your house, identify certain tasks in each room. Make a checklist of your cleaning priorities and have a home organizing plan.

Follow a routine when you clean. Start at the back and work your way to the front of the house. Go from top to bottom in each room. Below are some cleaning tips to help you get the most of your time and effort.

Kitchen Cleaning

•Start with the top of the refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.

•Use stainless steel cleaner for your sink. Rub it with a dry cloth to make it shine.

•Wipe kitchen counters.

•Do not forget to clean behind and underneath the refrigerator and oven.

•Use a good oven cleaner to remove grease and overflows from your oven.

•At least once a month, remove everything from your refrigerator and freezer and clean them from inside.

•Clean your microwave oven with water, mild detergent and a sponge. Wipe clean and dry.

Bathroom Cleaning

•First, start with the bathtub and shower and make sure they are mold free.

•Second, clean the toilet, then the sink and areas around them.

•Finish with mopping the bathroom floor.

•Choose ammonia based multi-purpose cleaner to efficiently remove dirt and grease, while minimizing smearing or streaking. This kind of product works on multiple surfaces such as tile walls, ceramic fixtures, mirrors, and shower head, leaving them clean and shiny.

Dusting and Vacuuming

Dust is composed human skin cells, dirt and fabric fibers. Dust collects on every surface, causing scratching and damage to household surfaces.

•You need to dust weekly. First choose the right dusting tool for your job. Vacuum cleaner is simple to use and remove dust without spreading it around into the air.

•To clean the dust in small corners, and irregular spaces, get a good feather duster to avoid scratching the surfaces, especially delicate figurines. It is a great option for quick dusting places like shelves without moving everything.

Window Cleaning

You need to clean windows once a month. There are many different glass cleaning products on the market to choose from. Use an effective professional-type cleaner to get rid of dirt, grease and grime. It is ideal to use on any glass surfaces and leaves a clean, fresh fragrance.

•Remove any excess dirt before washing your windows.

•Clean in a pattern. If you are cleaning the outside and inside, work side to side on the inside and top to bottom on the outside. This will help you see if any side has any streaks left.

Mopping Floors

Use two mopping buckets. One filled with cleaning solution and the other with clear water to rinse your mop. This will help you keep the cleaning solution clear for longer time, because all the dirt will be washed in the water bucket.

After you finish cleaning:

•Remove the sheets from the beds and use fresh ones.

•Freshen up your home by using natural air refreshers or scented candles.


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About The Author
Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit Fuller Brush Products